® New Standard in Real Estate
Award Listings®
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Q. What is an Award Listing®?
A. An Award Listing® is a Motivated Seller willing to sell at Market Value or less and pay a $Award to be Shown to and receive Feedback from Certified Buyers…

Q. Why would the Award Listing® be shown more?
A. The Award Listing® is identified as value priced and motivated, most worthy of consideration for the buyer…plus…the Sales Associates know they will be compensated for their showing and giving feedback from a certified buyer…

Q. How is the Buyer Certified?
A. By completing the simple Buyer Registration Feedback form and answering “yes” to the Buyer Certification questions.

Q. Why should the Buyer be registered and certified?
A. Registering is for the Benefit and Security of both the Associate and the Seller, plus the Seller has a right to know who looks at their property and that they are qualified…

Q. How does a Sales Associate get paid for showing an Award Listing®?
A. A stated $Award is paid out at closing to those Associates who showed the property to a certified buyer and completing the Buyer Registration Feedback…

Q. How is the $Award figured and who pays?
A. The Seller, after viewing the Award Listing® presentation, decides to participate and amount to pay for the $Award over and above the commission.

Q. Why would a regular listing not be shown to a qualified or certified buyer?
A. The Associate and Client may not have time to look at all the listings on the market…The less professional Associates may not Qualify the buyer or the property, wasting a lot of time and expense.

Q. What are other benefits to the Seller?
A. Seller receives valuable information from the Buyers Feedback to help make critical decisions…

Q. How does an Office become a Member Office?
A. Complete the enrollment compliance agreement for compliant form resources and instructions…

Q. Do You have to me a member to get paid for Showing?
A. Not yet, But you do to obtain Award Listings®…

Award Listing® program…
Better than a Sales Bonus, Which only pays if you make the sell…
“We know the listings that Sell are those Shown to Qualified Buyers”